воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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My last day at work was rather anticlimactic, particularly since i had class that night.� I defintely feel different though.� A couple of days after I gave notice, i inadvertently cut my sleep(antianxiety) �meds by 1/3 and never even noticed.�� More than one person noted how serene I looked during my last day. �Hope I can stay in the groove.

Dumb move of the month.�� Someone tell me to turn around next tme.

Hubs planned this day trip to Wilton, Maine to do an easy trail for an hour and a half.� It was supposed to be a train suitable for kids and grandparents.� Well I donapos;t know whose grandparents can scale river-sheared rock at a seventy-five degree angle, but I certainly had a bitch of a time.

It was clearly an old river bed, all rocky and still slightly muddy.� The wet leaves made the trip slippery and I�had to stop every ten or so minutes to rest my muscles and joints.���We had not even gone halfway up the 2300 feet of elevation when we hit a sheer surface of rock.� There was a georgeous view from there, so hubs encouraged me to do the one last climb and then we could go back.� I asked him to give me a shove, and he shoved me down (rather than up) straight into the rock.� Both shins and my hands, to add to the melon on my left thigh and the mud on my ass.�� It was at that point I lost all confidence in myself and started feeling slightly hysterical, thinking if I did not learn to take care of myself, there would be nobody to save me and Iapos;d die on the mountain.

Yes it was a beautiful view, but all i saw was the glare of the sun.� my vision had started to fade and I could not see anything very clearly altough i did see the treeline and sort of a whitish sky.�

I was exhausted coming down the mountain and I fell several times. I�was just plain exhausted, and my muscles had been overworked so my legs had no strength.� Things started looking sort of dark, and when i slipped and hit my right elbow funny bone, I stated to cry and hyperventilate.� It was such a long way down.�� I think he gave me a cliff bar at that point, which comfortedd me somewhat, but did nothing to clear my vision or to stop my nead from spinning.�� I just kept telling myself that if i didnapos;t toughen up, I would never get to the bottom.��� We came across several groups of people up and down. Basically all agreed that it was NOT a granny trail, but all-even the elderly- were in good shape and al least got to the first view without too much trouble.�� This will teach me to forget that I am not like other people�(though if i am honest with myself, half the people on my old floor couldnapos;t have accomplished what i did). Each time we heard people coming, I dried my eyes and controlled my breathing and smiled like a good girl.� Thre were actually a lot more people hiking that day than we expected. Families, couples, kids.� None of them had the fancy gear hubs had. Most had nothing except maybe a big stick and�a school caliber backpack.

To his credit, Hubs only got angry once, and then only slightly irritated that the afternoon was a "disaster". He did his best to help my along and to tell my I was doing great.�� I was somehow reminded of getting a spinal tap and being told, "youapos;re doing a great job. Just a little bit more to go."��Actually, except for shoving me into the rock, he was actually pretty great to drag me up and down the mountain.

In the end, Hubs found an applebees along the way to make up for my four-hour ordeal.� I had two cups of coffee, some honey bbq wings, and a fajita platter.� Coming out of the restaurant, I felt a bit better and my legs moved with a bit more coordination.� In he evening, hubs made me go to cvs wiht him to get some entemenns coffee cake and devine white choco chip lemon cookies. We ate some more and I passed out.

I could use a whirlpool..� The elbow is fine and the bruises (though ugly and huge) have stopped swelling.���My quads got it the worst from the exertion;the right one is so swollen that i cannot even make out the shape of the individual muscles anymore.�� Proud to have climbed up and down 900 feet of elevation in four hours (the equivalent of two miles distance)? No not really. Feeling a bit stupid actually, and rather lucky that i didnapos;t break a hip or crack my skull open. Iapos;ll never learn.

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