Weapos;re on our way to Camarillo, one of the premium shopping outlets near us. Itapos;s about 1 hr drive away.
Stopped for lunch at this japanses tepanyaki grill
Where the chef will perform and entertain you with moves like juggling eggs with his whatever-you-call-it frying-stick (haha...Iapos;m obviously a kitchen idiot)
The food was shoik The portions are ridiculously supersized though.
Bought this for USD14. Ha.
USD199. This is for winter wear, so its a good buy lah. Retail price was around $450 I think.
On a separate occasion, we were at this mall near Westfield.
Eating at a foodcourt of sorts.
Anyway, the days pass by really quickly.
Am planning to go visit some places like the Getty Centre and Hollywood etc
Really like taking photos of the bossapos;s kids. They are really cute and photogenic.
A picture at their house when the sun was setting down.
Hope everyone in Singapore is doing well. =)
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