понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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��� in honor of your birthday (and iapos;m late about this - i know), i present to you this mornings most pertinent offering from overheardnyc:

Black lady #1: Do you like cheese?
Black lady #2: Cheese?
Black lady #1: Cheese...
Black lady #2: (...)
Black lady #1: Cheese, cheese

--New York Port Authority

Overheard by: Igor Petrov

happy birthday
may all your cheesy dreams come true
(and may the other dreams come true as well)

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

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Given my unemployed state, Iapos;m at home a lot. I clean the house, do the laundry, prepare nice meals. Right now Iapos;ve got an experimental bread dough rising in the oven. Steve likes the taste of my sourdough, but doesnapos;t like the heavy texture, so Iapos;ve added a teaspoon of yeast to the dough.

One weekend a month I put on a military uniform and switch gears from housewife to soldier.

Iapos;ve become a Heinlein heroine. And I hate the way Heinlein portrays women


Iapos;m going to Mass tonight, which I normally donapos;t do. Steve wants to do an outing tomorrow. Shakespeare Pub shows Premier League games for the price of a drink and a meal and tomorrow is a very important game. Tottenham Hotspur is going to take on Stoke City in the Race To The Bottom Of The Rankings. Who will be the basement dweller? We shall see

Itapos;s tomorrow morning, so I wonapos;t get to see Colin Powellapos;s big announcement on Meet The Press, but I suppose I can read about it.

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I find it hard to believe that most peoplesapos; lives are full of excitement. �I think thatapos;s why I see everyone on their cellphones all the time. �Theyapos;re fucking bored so they need someone to shoot the shit with and cause some drama. �My theory is that none of them can be left alone with their thoughts. �Itapos;s too fucking scary or something. �Me, Iapos;m kind of the opposite. �Sitting back and watching everyone else run around like a bunch of chickens with their heads cut off is enough to suffice my drama quota. �

For instance, today I saw one of the most delightful altercations between my assistant manager and a volunteer at my workplace. �Now you might find it hard to laugh at because it was rather miniscule. �Also, it would probably mean more if you actually knew my assistant manager, so Iapos;m going to try to paint of portrait of her in your mind. �She is a middle aged, 6apos; tall woman with bushy blond hair who was once described as Ms. Piggy by one of her students. �In addition, Iapos;d like to point out that many, if not all, of the volunteers are borderline octogenarians.

Volunteer: �Oh,�I can hand those out if you like
Miss Piggy: �Oh no, thatapos;s okay. �Weapos;ll handle it.
Volunteer: �What? �You donapos;t trust me?
Miss Piggy: �No, I donapos;t.
Volunteer: �Well, up yours then �(Imagine a little old lady saying it in a kind of NY�Jew-y tone)

I was shocked. �It was one of the most perfectly timed comebacks I have ever seen, especially since this woman was old enough to be my grandmother. �Just thinking about it now makes me laugh aloud. �Itapos;s just so perfect. �Honestly, you would have to know my assistant manager to find as much humor in this as I do. �This woman has driven employees to quit within weeks of being hired. They just cannot handle her. �Luckily, I am able to find humor where others see incompetence. �I guess itapos;s a gift... Or a disability.

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четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Why the hell didnt i connect the dots yesterday?

no smegging wonder my SI joint is pissed and the muscles in my back are freaking the hell out...
i spent a signifgant amount of time in my car driving on monday thru and around seattle w/ tony then i sat down half the day on tuesday in class..
i remember PT lady saying its likely b/c since my ligaments stretch out about 3-4xapos;s more than the average person, whenever someone gets settled, muscles/ligamens/tendons kinda relax into that position. But mine relax out toooo much so when i get up, my SI joint (or hips, whatever is affected at the time) doesnt go back where it should, which causes strain on my muscles in back which are despartly trying to settle the joint back where it should be....


it really hurts today. Starting to get a lot worse...like b4 when i had to take prednisoe to calm it down.

i need to ice it.. But i hate icing it. Cuz the muscles that are freaking out feel better w/ heat...but the SI joint is inflammed and so it needs ice.

thankfully i did get some extra prednisone from mom and dad b4 i moved, anticipating this happening again...

iapos;ll give it another couple days and if it gets worse/doesnt get better....iapos;l start eating prednisone for a couple days.

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a room of ones own summary

What would you do with 100lbs of apples?� Theyapos;re not very good apples...� Theyapos;re "Renettes" from two old trees and they taste a lot like Granny Smiths.� They make decent pies and desserts if you add a lot of sugar.� Iapos;m thinking about making applesauce but I�know that Iapos;m going to have to add a lot of sweetener.� Any way I�go, the family is going to get sick of apples and time is ticking away as theyapos;ll go bad soon enough.� I feel like the benefit of fresh, chemical-free fruit is kind of canceled out if one adds a ton of sweeteners to make them palatable but I will if I�must.


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среда, 15 октября 2008 г.

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Obviously McCain needs a hail mary pass tonight to turn this election around. He canapos;t just take each question and make a mini speech on his talking points, then let Obama take his turn and do the same thing. Obama is a much better orator than McCain, and this strategy has simply not worked in the past 2 debates for McCain.

What McCain needs to do is ask Obama a series tough, direct questions. Not talk to the audience or the moderator. He needs look Obama in the eyes and ask him questions. Throw him off his script and make him answer to you.
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For no particular reason, the other day I decided to start educating myself about Broadway musicals. I was in the pit orchestra in high school, and Iapos;ve seen the traveling production of Phantom of the Opera and a few film adaptations of musicals, but Iapos;m mostly pretty ignorant about musical theater. So, I started with YouTube clips of Stephen Sondheim stuff, and from there I went to Leonard Bernstein, and from there I found myself in a YouTube-Wikipedia cycle of research. Soon, I realized that I wasnapos;t watching and listening to musicals as much as I was watching interviews and documentaries and listening to podcasts and becoming more familiar with the lives and working habits of composers than I was with their actual work. And I was perfectly happy doing so.

I figure maybe itapos;s a writer thing? Being interested in stories about people above all else?

In any case, it got me thinking about why creative people whoapos;ve been lucky enough to try out different creative endeavors sometimes get drawn into one thing over others. For instance, I always liked to draw, and in high school I started to take cartooning a little bit seriously, at least insofar as I studied cartoonists and asked for fancy drawing supplies for my birthdays. And like I said, I was in band and orchestra, and even though I wasnapos;t very good, I really enjoyed playing and I could have invested more time and effort trying to get better at sight-reading and getting technically proficient. But in the end, cartooning and music both lost out to writing.

For those of you engaged in the arts -- music, literature, visual art, drama, whatever -- why do you think you were drawn to your particular field? Did you leave other creative fields behind to specialize in the one you ultimately chose? If youapos;re now pursuing more than one field beyond the hobbyist level, does one thing dominate the others? If so, why?

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воскресенье, 12 октября 2008 г.

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My last day at work was rather anticlimactic, particularly since i had class that night.� I defintely feel different though.� A couple of days after I gave notice, i inadvertently cut my sleep(antianxiety) �meds by 1/3 and never even noticed.�� More than one person noted how serene I looked during my last day. �Hope I can stay in the groove.

Dumb move of the month.�� Someone tell me to turn around next tme.

Hubs planned this day trip to Wilton, Maine to do an easy trail for an hour and a half.� It was supposed to be a train suitable for kids and grandparents.� Well I donapos;t know whose grandparents can scale river-sheared rock at a seventy-five degree angle, but I certainly had a bitch of a time.

It was clearly an old river bed, all rocky and still slightly muddy.� The wet leaves made the trip slippery and I�had to stop every ten or so minutes to rest my muscles and joints.���We had not even gone halfway up the 2300 feet of elevation when we hit a sheer surface of rock.� There was a georgeous view from there, so hubs encouraged me to do the one last climb and then we could go back.� I asked him to give me a shove, and he shoved me down (rather than up) straight into the rock.� Both shins and my hands, to add to the melon on my left thigh and the mud on my ass.�� It was at that point I lost all confidence in myself and started feeling slightly hysterical, thinking if I did not learn to take care of myself, there would be nobody to save me and Iapos;d die on the mountain.

Yes it was a beautiful view, but all i saw was the glare of the sun.� my vision had started to fade and I could not see anything very clearly altough i did see the treeline and sort of a whitish sky.�

I was exhausted coming down the mountain and I fell several times. I�was just plain exhausted, and my muscles had been overworked so my legs had no strength.� Things started looking sort of dark, and when i slipped and hit my right elbow funny bone, I stated to cry and hyperventilate.� It was such a long way down.�� I think he gave me a cliff bar at that point, which comfortedd me somewhat, but did nothing to clear my vision or to stop my nead from spinning.�� I just kept telling myself that if i didnapos;t toughen up, I would never get to the bottom.��� We came across several groups of people up and down. Basically all agreed that it was NOT a granny trail, but all-even the elderly- were in good shape and al least got to the first view without too much trouble.�� This will teach me to forget that I am not like other people�(though if i am honest with myself, half the people on my old floor couldnapos;t have accomplished what i did). Each time we heard people coming, I dried my eyes and controlled my breathing and smiled like a good girl.� Thre were actually a lot more people hiking that day than we expected. Families, couples, kids.� None of them had the fancy gear hubs had. Most had nothing except maybe a big stick and�a school caliber backpack.

To his credit, Hubs only got angry once, and then only slightly irritated that the afternoon was a "disaster". He did his best to help my along and to tell my I was doing great.�� I was somehow reminded of getting a spinal tap and being told, "youapos;re doing a great job. Just a little bit more to go."��Actually, except for shoving me into the rock, he was actually pretty great to drag me up and down the mountain.

In the end, Hubs found an applebees along the way to make up for my four-hour ordeal.� I had two cups of coffee, some honey bbq wings, and a fajita platter.� Coming out of the restaurant, I felt a bit better and my legs moved with a bit more coordination.� In he evening, hubs made me go to cvs wiht him to get some entemenns coffee cake and devine white choco chip lemon cookies. We ate some more and I passed out.

I could use a whirlpool..� The elbow is fine and the bruises (though ugly and huge) have stopped swelling.���My quads got it the worst from the exertion;the right one is so swollen that i cannot even make out the shape of the individual muscles anymore.�� Proud to have climbed up and down 900 feet of elevation in four hours (the equivalent of two miles distance)? No not really. Feeling a bit stupid actually, and rather lucky that i didnapos;t break a hip or crack my skull open. Iapos;ll never learn.

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Just came back from a clique outing, though only 6+1 = 7-1 = 6 people. BUT�WE�STILL�HAD�FUN So dawn/alvin donapos;t be emotional. Wait, your donapos;t know my livejournal, SORRY�Anyway, we kept deciding whether to go or not to go to PARTY�WORLD After much thoughts, we decided to go. It was only for 1hr30mins, but at least we had fun And cam-whored quite alot.


But it would still be better if the whole clique would go out together (:

Canapos;t wait for the clique outing

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